Write a program that displays a plot of the functions $x$, $x^2$ and $2^x$ in the range[0,4].
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
# steps of 0.1 to make the plots smoother.
x = np.arange(0.,4.,0.1)
## first creating an empty figure
fig = pl.figure()
# writing mathematical equation with math text.
# use raw strings(precede the quote with an 'r')
pl.suptitle(r'Plotting the functions x, $x^2$ and $2^x$ \
in the range [0,4]', fontsize = 14)
#pl.plot(x, x,"b",x, x**2,"r", x, 2**x,"g")
pl.plot(x,x, label = r"$f(x)=x$")
pl.plot(x,x**2, label = r"$f(x)=x^2$")
pl.plot(x, 2**x, label = r"$f(x) = 2^x$")
The program will generate the plot of the three functions.
Note to return to the command line you must first close out of the resulting plot.