
Side by side images in a markdown post

Including images in a markdown post in Hugo.

I wanted to be able to include images side by side in a post.

Hugo has some shortcodes which are snippets of code inside content files that call built-in or custom templates.

The figure shortcode is an extension of the image syntax in markdown which does not provide a shorthand for the more semantic HTML5 element.

The documents have a list of the parameters that can be used with the figure shortcode including src, link, alt, title, caption, class, height, width etc.

I can’t see how any of the available attributes will allow me to position the images side by side. A custom shortcode could be written. For now I will just create a very simple markdown table and place each image in the cells in a row. To add a space in between I can use an empty cell. I am using the figure shortcode with the following attributes:

  • src attribute for the URL of the image to be displated
  • caption attribute for a figure caption
  • class attribute with a value of “small text-center” to centre the caption and make the text smaller.
  • width attribute of the image






The URL for an image in the images folder where the page bundle has an _index.md file is ="./images/image.png".

Tech used:
  • Hugo
  • Markdown
  • Bootstrap4