
MySQL questions and solutions

Queries on the World.sql database for the project (summary of answers only).

Alan’s travel details

Give the MySQL command that shows:

  • The name of the cities
  • The Arrival Date in the cities
  • The name of the country the city is in

For all cities and countries visited by “Alan” in alphabetical order by city name.

select c.Name as name, h.dateArrived, co.Name as name
from person p
inner join hasvisitedcity h
on h.personID = p.personID
inner join city c
on h.cityID = c.ID
inner join country co
on c.CountryCode = co.Code
where p.personname ="Alan"
order by c.Name
| name    | dateArrived | name        |
| Arnhem  | 2002-04-14  | Netherlands |
| Purulia | 2002-06-20  | India       |
| Suzhou  | 2002-01-30  | China       |
| Tama    | 2009-02-13  | Japan       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

European countries with lower than average life expectancy

Give the MySQL command to show the country name the country’s life expectancy for all countries in Europe whose life expectancy is lower than the average in alphabetical order by country name.

select Name as name, LifeExpectancy as lifeexpectancy from country where continent = "Europe" and LifeExpectancy < (
    select avg(lifeExpectancy) as lifeexpectancy from country
) order by Name;
| name    | lifeexpectancy |
| Moldova |           64.5 |
| Ukraine |           66.0 |

Peoples stage of life

Give the SQL command to show the following in ascending personID order:

  • The person’s ID
  • The person’s name
  • The Person’s age
  • A column called Stage that shows the following:
select *, 
    when age < 18 then "Child" 
    when age < 29 then "Late teens/Twenties" 
    when age < 39 then "Thirtysomething" 
    else "Other" 
END as "Stage" 
from person 
order by personID;
| personID | personname | age  | Stage               |
|        1 | Tom        |   33 | Thirtysomething     |
|        2 | Alan       |   23 | Late teens/Twenties |
|        3 | Sean       |   30 | Thirtysomething     |
|        4 | Sara       |   25 | Late teens/Twenties |
|        5 | Jane       |   25 | Late teens/Twenties |
|        6 | Michael    |   19 | Late teens/Twenties |

Capitals and Official Languages of North America

Give the SQL command to show for each country in North America:

  • The name of the capital city
  • The name of the country
  • The official language(s)
  • The percentage of people who speak the official language(s) The results should be alphabetical city name order, and within that by country name order, and within that by language order, and within that by ascending percentage.
select ci.name, co.name,cl.language, cl.percentage from country co
inner join city ci 
on ci.ID = co.capital
inner join countrylanguage cl
on co.code = cl.CountryCode
where continent = "North America" and cl.IsOfficial = "T" order by ci.name, cl.language, cl.percentage;

| name                     | name                             | language    | percentage |
| Basse-Terre              | Guadeloupe                       | French      |        0.0 |
| Basseterre               | Saint Kitts and Nevis            | English     |        0.0 |
| Belmopan                 | Belize                           | English     |       50.8 |
| Bridgetown               | Barbados                         | English     |        0.0 |
| Castries                 | Saint Lucia                      | English     |       20.0 |
| Charlotte Amalie         | Virgin Islands, U.S.             | English     |       81.7 |
| Ciudad de Guatemala      | Guatemala                        | Spanish     |       64.7 |
| Ciudad de México         | Mexico                           | Spanish     |       92.1 |
| Ciudad de Panamá         | Panama                           | Spanish     |       76.8 |
| Cockburn Town            | Turks and Caicos Islands         | English     |        0.0 |
| Fort-de-France           | Martinique                       | French      |        0.0 |
| George Town              | Cayman Islands                   | English     |        0.0 |
| Hamilton                 | Bermuda                          | English     |      100.0 |
| Kingstown                | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | English     |        0.0 |
| La Habana                | Cuba                             | Spanish     |      100.0 |
| Managua                  | Nicaragua                        | Spanish     |       97.6 |
| Nuuk                     | Greenland                        | Danish      |       12.5 |
| Nuuk                     | Greenland                        | Greenlandic |       87.5 |
| Oranjestad               | Aruba                            | Dutch       |        5.3 |
| Ottawa                   | Canada                           | English     |       60.4 |
| Ottawa                   | Canada                           | French      |       23.4 |
| Plymouth                 | Montserrat                       | English     |        0.0 |
| Port-au-Prince           | Haiti                            | French      |        0.0 |
| Road Town                | Virgin Islands, British          | English     |        0.0 |
| Saint John´s             | Antigua and Barbuda              | English     |        0.0 |
| Saint-Pierre             | Saint Pierre and Miquelon        | French      |        0.0 |
| San José                 | Costa Rica                       | Spanish     |       97.5 |
| San Juan                 | Puerto Rico                      | Spanish     |       51.3 |
| San Salvador             | El Salvador                      | Spanish     |      100.0 |
| Santo Domingo de Guzmán  | Dominican Republic               | Spanish     |       98.0 |
| Tegucigalpa              | Honduras                         | Spanish     |       97.2 |
| The Valley               | Anguilla                         | English     |        0.0 |
| Washington               | United States                    | English     |       86.2 |
| Willemstad               | Netherlands Antilles             | Dutch       |        0.0 |
| Willemstad               | Netherlands Antilles             | Papiamento  |       86.2 |

Length of Stays

Give the SQL command to show for each country person:

  • The person’s name
  • The name of the city the person visited
  • A column called Stay Length that shows the following:

The results should be sorted alphabetically by personname, and within that by city name.

select p.personname, c.name,
when datediff(h.dateLeft, h.dateArrived) <20 then "Short"
when datediff(h.dateLeft, h.dateArrived) <99 then "Long"
else "Very Long"
End as "Stay Length"
from person p
inner join hasvisitedcity h
on p.personID = h.personid
inner join city c
on h.cityID = c.id 
order by p.personname, c.name;

| personname | name                   | Stay Length |
| Alan       | Arnhem                 | Very Long   |
| Alan       | Purulia                | Long        |
| Alan       | Suzhou                 | Very Long   |
| Alan       | Tama                   | Very Long   |
| Michael    | Guaíba                 | Long        |
| Michael    | Nagoya                 | Very Long   |
| Michael    | Saint Helier           | Short       |
| Sara       | Jaunpur                | Very Long   |
| Sara       | Saint Helier           | Short       |
| Sara       | Zürich                 | Long        |
| Sean       | Dordrecht              | Very Long   |
| Sean       | Shangqiu               | Very Long   |
| Tom        | Dordrecht              | Very Long   |
| Tom        | Muntinlupa             | Very Long   |
| Tom        | São Lourenço da Mata   | Short       |
| Tom        | Suzhou                 | Long        |
| Tom        | Sydney                 | Very Long   |
| Tom        | Tanjung Pinang         | Very Long   |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Tech used:
  • MySQl
  • SQL