

By Angela C

September 20, 2021 in software html

Reading time: 58 minutes.

MySQL is a Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) and is a component on the LAMP application stack. (Linux - Apache - MySQL - PHP/Python/Perl) MySQL is a very popular Oracle backed open-sourced Structured Query Language. It is also implemented by various database-driven applications. MySQL logo

  • MySQL is a relational database management system. Queries are written in the SQL language.
  • MySQL is a database management system that manages many different database systems.
  • One of the functions of a DBMS is to backup a database to a file which can be imported. When a database is imported it is recreated.
  • MySQLWorkbench is a GUI for interfacing with the database.
  • The Command line interface can also be used to work with a database
  • MySQLWorkbench is basically a GUI for showing the commands that are run in the background.

Data refers to a series of facts or statistics. Types of data include non-digital data and digital data. There is an ever increasing amount of data: every minute from tweets, google searches, YouTube videos, LinkedIn, weather forecasts…
A database is a collection of related data organised so data can be easily accessed, managed and updated.
A relational database (such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySql, IBM DB2) consists of a set of tables for storing data where a table is a collection of related data where a table is a collection of related data. Each table has a unique name and may relate to one or more other tables in the database through common values. There are also non-relational (NoSQL) databases such as mongoDB, casandra, neo4j and redis.

A table in a database is a collection of rows (records or tuples) and columns (fields or attributes). Tables are also known as entities or relations. A column contains data representing a specific characteristics of the records in the table.

A database schema represents the logical configuation of a database and defines how the data and relationships between data is stored. There are two types of schema:

  • physical schema which defines how data is physically stored on a storage system in terms of files and indices
  • logical schema defines the logical constraints that apply to the stored data, the tables in the database and the relationships between them.
  • The logical schema is designed before the database is created and does not contain any data.

Database Management System (DMBS)

  • A DMBS is software for creating and managing databases.
  • Interacts with users, databases and other systems to store, retrieve and process data
  • provides a centralised view of data that can be accessed by multiple users from multiple locations in a controlled manner
  • can limit data the user sees and how that end user can view the data.
  • provides many views of a single database schema for different users
  • provides data independance so users and application programs don’t need to know where or how data is stored
  • complete transparency over changes in data storage
  • CRUD functions:
    • CREATE
    • READ
    • UPDATE
    • DELETE
  • Data Storage management functions
  • Security functions
  • Backup and recovery functions
  • Transaction management (such as debiting a customer a/c, updating the shipping table, updating the product table and crediting the store a/c.)
  • Data Integrity (for example not being able to add a doctorID for a patient in the patient table where the doctorID doesn’t already exist in the doctor table)
  • Concurrency

Advantages of DBMS include:

  • Data integrity
  • Enforcement of standards
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Controls redundancy - a centralised DBMS eliminates duplication. Data need only be stored once and cane be accessed by many users.

Disadvantages of DBMS include:


  • Structured Query Language
  • standard Relational Database Language.
  • ANSI/ISO standard but different databases may use their own proprietary extensions on top of the standard SQL.

SQL can be be used to:

  • Create a new databases
  • Create tables in a database
  • CRUD functions:
    • Insert data into a database
    • Read data from a database
    • Update data in a database
    • Delete data from a database
  • Manage transactions
  • Manage concurrency
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Manage Users

Note that SQL is a language while MySQL is a database management system.

Working with Databases:

  • SHOW DATABASES; to list all the existing databases currently managed by Mysql
  • USE <database_name> to select the database <database_name> to be used.
  • grant all on <database_name> to <mysql_user>@<client_host> to grant all permissions on the database ‘database_name’ to the ‘mysql_user’ and ‘host_server’.
  • DROP <database_name> to drop / delete the database

Database Connections

  • mysql -h host_name -u user_name -p: The ‘host_name’ refers to the name of the host where the MySQL server is running.
  • QUIT or \q to disconnect from the server.
Connecting to MySQL database using Python
  • pip install mysql -connector -python to enable installation of the MySQL Python connector on any operating system including Linux, Unix, MacOS and Windows.

  • Can also use the pymysql module (which is the the one I used for the applied database project).

Whatever module you use you generally need to define a connection function to connect to the MySQL server. This connect() function needs specifications for 4 parameters, host, user, password and the database or (db). The function checks if the connection has been successful and if not an error message is printed. The connection to the database must be closed once finished.

Creating, showing and selecting to use a Database:

  • CREATE DATABASE <database>;'

  • SHOW DATABASES; to see what databases currently exist on the server shows all the databases currently managed by MySQL

  • USE <database>;

Importing databases:

One function of a DBMS is to backup a database to a file. A database that was previously exported to a file can be imported. When a database in imported, it is recreated.

Working with Tables
  • SHOW TABLES to show tables in the selected database

Creating Tables using SQL See section 3.3.2 Creating a Table

    CREATE TABLE pet (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20),
    species VARCHAR(20), sex CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE);

Aside on MySQL data types:

Here are some.

Numeric Data Type Syntax
  • Fixed-Point Types (Exact Value) - DECIMAL, NUMERIC
  • Floating-Point Types (Approximate Value) - FLOAT, DOUBLE
  • Bit-Value Type - BIT
  • Numeric Type Attributes
  • Out-of-Range and Overflow Handling
Date and Time Data Type Syntax
  • The TIME Type
  • The YEAR Type
  • Automatic Initialization and Updating for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME
  • Fractional Seconds in Time Values
  • Conversion Between Date and Time Types
  • 2-Digit Years in Dates
String Data Type Syntax
  • CHAR is a fixed length character variable
  • VARCHAR Types is a string of variable length
  • TEXT for long form text strings
  • TINYTEXT for short strings of information
  • LONGTEXT for extremely long text strings.
  • The BINARY and VARBINARY Types
  • BLOB are for binary strings treated as numeric values used to store datafiles such as images and videos
  • The ENUM Type for string objects. It’s value is selected from a list of values.
  • The SET type is a string object enabling storage of zero or more values from a list of predefined values when the list is created.

The ENUM type is a string object with a value chosen from a list of permitted values that are enumerated explicitly in the column specification at table creation time.

There are also Spatial Data Types and JSON data types.

Creating Tables - CREATE TABLE <table>;

   CREATE TABLE <table> (

Decide what tables you need and what columns should be in each table.
Specify the layout of each table

(see also ALTER TABLE statement)

Primary Keys: Uniquely identifying rows in a table.
  • A primary key constraint is used to uniquely identify each row / record in a table.
  • A primary key must contain unique, non-NULL values
  • Only one primary key per table
  • A primary key can be a single or multiple fields

Describing Tables with DESCRIBE <table>;'

Describe describes the table structure. The show columns statement provides information similar to the describe statement. See section Show Columns statement.

  • Field: the column name
  • Type: the column data type
  • Null: yes or no
  • **Key **: whether the column is indexed.
    • PRI: if the column is a primary key or one of the columns in a mult-index primary key
    • UNI: If the column is the first column of a UNIQUE index. (A UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values as shown in the Null field.)
    • MUL: if the column is the first column of a nonunique index in which multiple occurrences of a given value are permitted within the column
  • Default: The default value for the column. This is NULL if the column has an explicit default of NULL, or if the column definition includes no DEFAULT clause.
  • Extra:
    • often blank if no additional information about a given column
    • auto_increment for columns that have the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute.
    • on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP or DATETIME columns that have the ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attribute

The SELECT statement for getting data from a database table:

  • SELECT <field_list> FROM <table_name> to select list values from a table

  • To get all attributes use SELECT * FROM <table>;

  • SELECT <field_list> FROM <table_name> WHERE <condition>;

    SELECT <columns> 
    FROM <table>;
  • SELECT for getting information FROM a table WHERE
WHERE operators
  • equal to: =
  • not equal to: <> or !=
  • greater than >,
  • less than <
  • greater than or equal to >=,
  • less than or equal to <=,
  • BETWEEN an inclusive range
  • LIKE to search for a pattern
  • IN result is in a set of multiple specified values

WHERE age >= 20 AND age <= 30; is same as WHERE age BETWEEN 20 and 30;

LIKE to search for a specified string-like pattern
  • Match a string with a pattern on a per character basis.
  • returns a 1 if there is a pattern and 0 if not.
  • % represents 0 or more characters
  • _ a single character
IN can be used instead of multiple ORs.

Can use IN to determine if a specified value matches any value in a set of values, or returned by a sub-query.

WHERE age in (12,13,14,15) is same as

    WHERE age = 12
    OR age = 13
    OR age = 14
    OR age =15`
SELECT <field_list> FROM <table_name> 
    WHERE <condition>;` 

SELECT <field_list> FROM <table_name> 
    WHERE <expression | column_1> in (value1, value2,...);` 

NB! Operator Precedence

  • Note operator precendence and be careful when using AND and OR statements.
  • Use parentheses when combining AND, OR operators.
SELECT name, age FROM person 
WHERE sex="m" AND (name LIKE "S%" OR name LIKE "A%");
The LIMIT clause to constrain number of rows returned by SELECT statement.
  • Can use a single number, for example LIMIT 3 returns the first three matching results or two numbers to specify the starting point and the number of results to return.
  • For example LIMIT 0,3; returns the first 3 results matching while LIMIT 3,3; returns the three results starting from the 4th result.


  • SELECT DISTINCT statement to return only distinct / unique values from a list
SELECT DISTINCT <field_list>
FROM <table_name>

See Distinct Optimization


  • ASC for ascending - the default
  • DESC for descending
  • YEAR() get year from date
  • DAY() get day from date
  • MONTH() get month from date.
SELECT <field_list> FROM <table_name> 
ORDER BY <field_name>[ASC | DESC]


MySQL can also manipulate data before storing or retrieving it. A function is a piece of code that performs an operation and returns a result. Some functions accept parameters while others don’t.

Why use functions?
  • Functions can be used to maintain business logic ,for example a mobile app and Web sites can use the same business logic when working with the same database, or regional websites that work from the same database.
Built in Functions and Operators:

String Functions and Operators

  • UPPER(): convert to uppercase

  • STRCMP(): compare two strings. Returns 0 if 2 strings match, -1 if string1 < string2, returns 1 of string1 is > string 2.

  • ASCII(): Return numeric value of left-most character, the first character in the string

  • REPLACE(string, from_string, to_string): Replace all occurences of a specified substring(from_string) within a string with a new substring (to_string)

  • SUBST(string, start, length): return the substring as specified from a string, starting at the start position within the string, the number of characters extracted being the length.

  • CHAR_LENGTH() returns the number of characters in an argument

  • CONCAT() return concatenated string and many more. See

Numeric functions and operators

  • SQRT() returns the square root of a number
  • ROUND(number, decimals) rounds a number to the number of decimals specified.
  • ABS() Return the absolute value
  • POWER() Return the argument raised to the specified power
  • TRUNCATE() Truncate to specified number of decimal places


  • MONTH() to get Month number from date
  • DAY() to get Day from date
  • YEAR() to get year from data
  • DATEDIFF() : subtract two dates to get the number of days between them
  • DATE_FORMAT(): format date as specified such as “%m%d%y”
  • MINUTE()
  • NOW()

Aggregate (GROUP BY) Functions

An aggregate function performs a calculation on a set of values and returns a single value.

GROUP BY functions

The GROUP BY statement is often used with aggregate functions to group the results by one or more columns.

    SELECT student_name, AVG(test_score)
       FROM student
       GROUP BY student_name

HAVING and WHERE clauses

  • The HAVING clause can be used with GROUP BY to filter groups based on certain conditions

  • without including the GROUP BY clause, the HAVING clause behaves like the WHERE clause

  • The HAVING clause applies a filter condition to each group of rows

  • The WHERE clause applies the filter condition to each individual row

  • AVG()

  • MIN()

  • MAX()

  • SUM()

  • COUNT()

Also STD, VARIANCE and more. See section 12.20.1 )

MYSQL Information Functions

  • DATABASE(): return the default(current) database name
  • USER(): the user name and host provided by the client


  • CASE
  • IF()
  • IFNULL()
  • NULLIF()


See Control Flow Functions

  • IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false) where the condition is the value to test.



    CASE WHEN condition 1 THEN result 1
        WHEN condition 2 THEN result 2
        WHEN condition 3 THEN result 3
        ELSE result

CASE value WHEN [compare_value] THEN result [WHEN [compare_value] THEN result ...] [ELSE result] END

CASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [WHEN [condition] THEN result ...] [ELSE result] END

The return type of a CASE expression result is the aggregated type of all result values.

MySQL Stored routines.

  • A stored routine is a user-written code that extends the functionality of MySQL.
  • can be used to perform the same database operations across multiple client applications in different languages or on different platforms.
  • ensures security as applications can only access stored routines and not tables

Stored routines keep business rules consistent. Stored routines ensure security by having the applications access to the routines only and not the tables. This way all transactions can be logged. Reduction of duplication.

Advantages of Stored Routines:
  • Speed: performance of application accessing the database is increased as stored procedures are compiled and stored in the database
  • Traffic: no need to send multiple lengthy SQL statements - the application has to send just the name and parameters of the stored routine.
  • Complexity: not designed for complex business logic like other languages.
  • Difficult to debug. (MySQL does not allow you debug stored procedures)
  • performance (a DBMS not well-desgined for logical operations)

While they can increase the performance of an application accessing the database, moving too much from the application side to the database side can impact the database performance.

MySQL Stored Functions:

  • A stored function is a special type of stored routine that returns a single value.
  • used to encapsulate common formulae or business rules that are reusable among sql staements or stored routines.
  • Functions take 0 or more input parameters and return a single value

See Section 13.1.17 CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION Statements


CREATE FUNCTION <function_name> (<num1 integer, num2 integer>)

RETURNS integer
    RETURN num1 + num2
  • You must give the function a function name.
  • Specify the parameters and their type.
  • A function always has a return value so you need to specify that.
  • Specify if the function is deterministic or non-deterministic.
    • Non-deterministic modify data and have update, insert or delete statements.
    • Deterministic functions do not.

The actual code for the function is written between BEGIN and END statements.

CREATE FUNCTION add2Nums (num1 integer, num2 integer)

RETURNS integer
    RETURN num1 + num2


CREATE FUNCTION discount(age INT(11))
    IF age < 16 THEN
        RETURN "0%";
    ELSEIF age < 26 THEN
        RETURN "10%";    
    ELSEIF age < 40 THEN
        RETURN "20%"; 
    ELSEIF age < 60 THEN
        RETURN "30%";   
        RETURN "40%";
    END IF;

To call the function, do so using select and the function name.

SELECT name, age, discount(age) "Discount"
FROM person;

Something that is done over and over can be put into a function.

Functions can be used on relations. pass in the field from the table. SELECT name, age, discount(age) "Discount" FROM person


Another type of stored routine is a stored procedure.

  • A stored procedure is similar to function as it allow reuse of code
  • Both stored functions and stored procedures can hide details where the logic can be encapsulated into the function and therefore doesn’t need to be rewritten each time the same query arises.
  • Both stored functions and stored procedures implement business logic as the code is updated in one place.

Stored Function vs Stored Procedure.


  • return a single value
  • only SELECT statement
  • cannot use stored procedures
  • does not support transactions


  • return 0 or more values
  • and can manipulate the data using CRUD functions ( SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE),
  • procedures can use stored functions
  • procedures supports transactions.
  • Procedures are created similarly to functions using the keyword procedure.
  • To call the procedure use the call keyword and pass in the required parameters.


  • Both functions and procedures are used to store logic that is repeatedly useD and avoids inconsistencies.
  • Instead of having to write out a potentially complex query, a procedure can be called.
  • The delimiter must be changed before writing a function or procedure by entering delimiter // before writing the function. // after the END statement.
  • The delimiter must be changed back to a semi-colon after the function is written by entering delimiter ;
  • DETERMINISTIC means the table is not changed.
  • use select statement with functions even when not applying to a table.
delimiter //
CREATE PROCEDURE  make_milage(mk VARCHAR(20), ml(INT(11))
    WHERE make LIKE mk
    AND milage < ml
    ORDER BY milage;
delimiter ;

To call the procedure:

call make_milage("Toyota", 200000);

Finding Functions and Procedures

Functions and procedures can be found in the routines table in the information schema database.

select routine_name, routine_type from information_schema.routines
    WHERE routine_name IN ("add2Nums","discount","make_milage");
To see what is in a Function or a Procedure
SHOW CREATE FUNCTION <function-name>;

To see the code of a function or a procedure use the show create function or show create procedure commands. Gives a non-user friendly view of the code.

To make changes or delete a function:
  • To delete a function or procedure, use the DROP command.
  • To make a change to a stored procedure or function, you should first drop it and create it again with the updated code.
DROP FUNCTION  <function-name>;

See Section CREATE FUNCTION Syntax for User-Defined Functions:


Normalisation - how to have many connected tables in a database

Normalization is the process of organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a relational database to minimize data redundancy.

  • A large table (with a large number of attributes rather than a large number of rows) is basically broken down into several smaller tables.
  • A database is defined as a collection of related data organised in a way where the data can be easily accessed managed and updated.
  • Normalisation takes place when the database is being set up.
  • Normalisation makes it easier to update a database and makes it less prone to anomalies.
  • A database that is not normalised cannot be easily managed and result in update or deletion anomalies.
  • A normalised database would have more than one table with links between the tables instead of all the data stored in a single table.
  • reference data from another table rather than duplicating the same data.

Normalisation is a more realistic database structure where there are many inter-related tables. A Normalised database reduces the potential for anomalies in the data.

The SHOW CREATE TABLE command will show the foreign keys that link to other tables. Information which is stored over several tables can be retrieved by joining the tables using the left or inner join commands.

Foreign Keys

When creating tables, the link between the tables is defined by the foreign key.

  • A foreign key is a constraint on the table, on what can be inserted into a table.
  • ensures referential integrity and keeps the database consistent
  • SHOW CREATE TABLE command will show the foreign keys.
  • Tables are joined using the foreign keys.

In the doctor patient example, only values that exist in the doctorID column of the doctor table can be added as a foreign key to the patient table. This is called Referential integrity and ensures that the database is consistent.

Joining data from tables using foreign keys.

  • SELECT from one table, then JOIN to another table using the foreign key.
  • SHOW CREATE TABLE will show any foreign keys referencing another table.
  • rows are joined based on the foreign key.
  • SELECT clause contains the fields that will be displayed.
  • FROM: select from one table only, not both table
  • JOIN to another table.
  • use alias names instead of the full table name to make the query less verbose.

Note although the SELECT clause is at the start of the query, it is really the last part of the query as it just prints out what you want to have returned and the query starts at the FROM clause.


An inner join is a filter clause which matches each row in one table with every row in the other table, thus enabling to query only those rows that have corresponding columns from both tables.

  • returns rows from two tables only where the JOIN condition is met

  • if the JOIN condition is not met, then nothing is returned from either table.

  • with an inner join, it does not matter which table you join to which

  • only join tables on the foreign keys.

  • to get data from two tables that are not directly joined to each other, look for the foreign keys in the database. Then you can join tables that are not directly connected.

  • tables can be joined either way on the foreign key constraint but always join tables on the keys.


  • Returns rows from two tables when the JOIN condition is met
  • If the JOIN condition is not met
    • rows from the left (first) table are returned and
    • NULL is returned instead of the rows from the second table

For example an inner join will join each row in the doctor table to patient table but only where the doctor id is the same as the doctor id in the doctor table.

  • with a left join, the order of tables does matter as all rows from the first table will be returned and therefore if a different table is first, the results will be different.

A RIGHT JOIN is the same as a left join except the table manipulation is in reverse order. It matches each row from the second table with each row from the first table on the join condition.


The show create table shows the same information that the describe table command shows but with some more information. It also shows the exact code used for the creation of that table.

show create table shows the foreign key constraint which is not shown in the describe command. With foreign key constraints we can only reference something if it already exists.

`show create table salaries;`

  PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`from_date`),
  KEY `emp_no` (`emp_no`),
  CONSTRAINT `salaries_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`emp_no`) REFERENCES `employees` (`emp_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE

CONSTRAINT 'salaries_ibfk_1' FOREIGN KEY ('emp_no') REFERENCES 'employees' ('emp_n')`

This foreign key constraint in the salaries table means that an employee number (emp_no) cannot be put into the salaries table if it doesn’t already exist in the employees table. This ensures the tables are consistent and preserves referential integrity. When referencing something, it must already exist.

  • The data is separated into different tables to prevent deletion anomalies.

  • The constraint means you cannot add a new employee to salaries table unless their emp_no exists in the employees table.

  • The Show create table command shows these constraints better than the describe tables command.

  • You can also use the reverse engineer functionality in MySQLWorkbench to see if tables are connected. It will show if there is a foreign key coming from a table to see if they are connected.

  • A primary key can be a composite key

  • Note that the foreign keys do not have to have the exact same name.

(MySQLWorkbench > Database > ReverseEngineer to see a diagram)

  • It is best practice to use a short alias name for a table name when selecting data from more than one table. This is necessary when the tables have the same column name as otherwise mysql would not know which table is being referred to. Therefore always prefix the column name with the table it comes from. Define the abbreviation for the table the first time it is mentioned directly.

  • When joining tables, if a table is not joined on a foreign key as it should be and the query returns something, what is returned might not make any sense so always join on the foreign key.

  • The select clause goes at the start of the query to state which columns are to be returned.

  • the query really only starts after the from clause.

  • the alias can be used in the select clause even before the table it refers to is first mentioned.

select pt.*, dt.* from patient_table pt 
inner join doctor_table dt
on pt.doctorID = dt.doctorid; 
  • If there is a field in both tables with the same name, then you need to use the prefix aliases for the tables so that mysql knows which table you are referring to.

  • use left join to show every row from the first table even if there is no associated entry in the second table.

  • to show all details of all doctors from one table with the details of their patients from the patients_table, use a left join as this will return all rows from the first table with a null value for rows in the second table where the condition is not met.

  • an inner join would omit the rows where the condition is not met

  • A table may not have a foreign key pointing out but there may be a foreign key pointing in from another table which can be used for joining tables.

  • In some cases a left join will return the same results as an inner join, depending on the data in the table)

  • If you only want to see rows from one table that have related data in another table use an inner join

  • If you want to see everything from one table, whether or not there is related data in another table use a left join. This will return NULL value for rows from the second table where the conditions are not met.

  • A query with joins can be used in a stored function or procedure.

CRUD (Create, Insert, Read, Update Delete)


INSERT inserts new rows into an existing table. Inserting into a table requires the INSERT privilege for the table

INSERT INTO <table> VALUES (value1, value2, valueN);

If inserting a value for all fields, then the values must be supplied in the correct order of the columns in the table.

INSERT INTO <table> (column1, column2, column) 
VALUES (value1, value2, valueN);
  • If you are inserting data into a table where not all fields are being supplied, then the fields and corresponding values must be supplied. Default values are given to the missing columns.

  • Provide a parenthesized list of comma-separated column names following the table name. The number of columns in the source table must match the number of columns to be inserted.

  • The values entered must be in the correct order.

  • A primary key may be set to auto-increment.

  • There may be default values for some fields.

  • If there are default values for fields not being supplied with a value, this will be taken care of by MySQL.

  • The DESCRIBE function will show the order of the columns in the table as well as details of all columns, including the type of dat for each field, the default values if any, whether a primary key is auto_increment, whether NULL values are allowed or not.

  • However just because a default is set to NULL does not mean the missing field will be updated. The NULL column shows whether null is allowed or not. If not the NULL field for this column will be set to NO, even where the default value is NULL.

  • An error (Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails) will result if you try to insert a row with a foreign key in a table if the value for the foreign key does not exist in the other table. (Cannot add a bus registration number into the driver table if the bus reg doesn’t exist on the bus table.)

 describe person;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
personID int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(20) NO NULL
age int(11) YES NULL
sex enum(‘M’,‘F’) YES M
dob date YES NULL
isStudent tinyint(1) YES NULL

For this table, a value must always be supplied for the name field as Null is set to NO.

The primary key (personID) is set to auto_increment.


UPDATE ... SET ...

Update mondifies rows in a table.

UPDATE <table> SET column1 = value1, columnN, valueN;
UPDATE <table> SET column1 = value1, columnN, valueN 
WHERE condition;
  • UPDATE updates columns of existing rows in the named table with new values. The SET clause indicates which columns to modify and the values they should be given.
  • Each value can be given as an expression, or the keyword DEFAULT to set a column explicitly to its default value.
  • Without a WHERE clause, all rows are updated.
  • A WHERE clause specifies the conditions that identify which rows to update.
  • The ORDER BY the order in which the rows should be updated.
  • The LIMIT clause places a limit on the number of rows that can be updated.
update person
set age =30
where personID =9;

Without the WHERE clause, all rows would be updated with the new value for the age field.

Functions and operators can be applied when updating:

update person set age = age +1;

This updates the age fields in all row to the current age plus 1.

UPDATING based on IF conditions

UPDATE person SET name=concat(if(sex="M","Mr.","Ms."),name);
  • a CASE allows many updates in one statement instead of several smaller queries.

Sometimes it is better to break the query into smaller queries but often better to use a single query. case allows you to do updates in one go instead of doing smaller queries.

update person
set age = 
    when age is null then 18
    else age +1


  • DELETE removes rows from a table.
  • The DELETE statement deletes rows and returns the number of deleted rows.
  • A DELETE statement can start with a WITH clause
  • DELETE privilege on a table are needed to delete rows from it
  • Even if all the rows are deleted, the table still exists.
  • A row can be deleted if no other table is referencing the field.
  • a row cannot be deleted if a field is referenced elsewhere.
DELETE FROM <table>;
DELETE FROM <table>; 
WHERE condition;

DELETE FROM <TABLE>; without a where clause would delete all rows.

delete from person where sex="M" and isStudent AND age >20; would only delete rows matching the where condition.


The SHOW CREATE TABLE command will show if there are any restrictions on delete.

For example:

 CONSTRAINT `driver_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`busReg`) REFERENCES `bus` (`reg`) `

Note that the default constraint is ON DELETE RESTRICT if it doesn’t say ON DELETE CASCADE or ON DELETE SET NULL.


  • The bus table does not have a foreign key, but you cannot delete a row from this table if it is referenced in another table which links to it by a foreign key. The driver table has a foreign key that references the bus table.

  • The delete command will result in an error such as Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails ... as you cannot associate a driver with a bus if the bus is not in the bus table already.

  • You cannot insert a row with a busReg into the driver table if the bus does not already exist on the bus table. This will result in an error “Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails”

If a table’s foreign key references a column in another table, and the foreign key constraint is set to ON DELETE CASCADE, this means that if a row in the first table is deleted and the value of the field is used in the other table, then this row should also be deleted from the other table.

ON DELETE RESTRICT means that if a row in the first table is deleted and the value of the field is used in the other table, that this row should not be deleted from the table as the other table is restricting the delete.

ON DELETE SET NULL means that if a row in the table is deleted and the value of the field is used in the other table, that the foreign in the other table which was referencing the field to be deleted from the other table should be set to NULL, so now the field is no longer referenced and therefore can be deleted from the bus table.

If deleting a row from a table which isn’t referenced by any other table, the row will simply be deleted.

The SHOW CREATE TABlE query will show any foreign keys that exist in a table. While one table may not contain any foreign keys itself, another table may have a foreign key which points in to that table.

Can also use the Reverse Engineer EER diagram which will show any connections between tables and the direction if using MySQL Workbench.


  • another way to read data from a table
  • Instead of taking the result of a query and putting the actual values into another query, instead use a subquery that returns the value to the outer query.
  • whenever data comes from more than one table, the tables must be joined somehow on the foreign key.
  • another way to get the information from tables is using a sub-query which is a query within a query.
  • subqueries can be used instead of doing an inner join in some cases.
  • As brackets take precedence over other operators, a query within brackets will be done first and then the result returned from the subquery used in the outer query.
  • It is better to do a query dynamically like this instead of hardcoding values into the query. Therefore the query can be used again even if the data has changed.
  • The result of the inner query gets replaced as the argument in the outer query
  • Sometimes a subquery is better than using an inner join
  • there can be more than one query nested within another query. The innermost query is run first. The subquery gets replaced with the results of the subquery and so on out to the outer most query.
  • The result of the inner query gets replaced as the argument in the outer query.

DESCRIBE <table>;

  • The Type shows the type of data for each Field as well as the maximum number of characters allowed.

  • The Key column shows which field(s) is the primary key

describe subject;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
Name varchar(15) NO PRI NULL
Teacher varchar(20) YES NULL
OnLeavingCert tinyint(1) YES NULL
describe teacher;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
tid int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
Name varchar(20) YES NULL
level enum(‘J’,‘L’) YES NULL
experience int(11) YES NULL
dob date YES NULL

5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  • select * from teacher to show all data in the teacher table
  • select * from subject to show all data in the subject table
SELECT * FROM teacher;
tid Name level experience dob
1 Mr. Pasteur L 15 1960-02-02
2 Ms. Dubois L 22 1967-09-02
3 Ms. Smith J 4 1980-03-23
4 Mr. Hawking L 40 1951-02-19
5 Mr. Kavanagh J 50 1949-11-01
6 Mr. Picasso J 42 1939-03-30
7 Fr. Lynch L 55 1939-03-31
SELECT * FROM subject;
Name Teacher OnLeavingCert
Biology Mr. Pasteur 1
Colouring Mr. Picasso 0
English Mr. Kavanagh 1
French Ms. Dubois 1
Maths Mr. Hawking 1
Religion Fr. Lynch 1
Spelling Ms. Smith 0

The WHERE condition with select

select name 
from subject 
where onleavingcert =1;

gets all subjects on the leaving cert

The select * from ... where condition;
select name, experience 
from teacher 
where level ="L";
name experience
Mr. Pasteur 15
Ms. Dubois 22
Mr. Hawking 40
Fr. Lynch 55

This query shows the details of all teachers qualified to teach to leaving cert.


select * from subject 
where teacher NOT LIKE "Mr.%";

Shows details of all subjects taught by teachers whose title is not “Mr.”

Name Teacher OnLeavingCert
French Ms. Dubois 1
Religion Fr. Lynch 1
Spelling Ms. Smith 0

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... AND ...;

select * from teacher
where month(dob) IN(1,2,3) 
AND level = "J";

This shows all teachers born in the specified months and that can teach to junior cert only.

tid Name level experience dob
3 Ms. Smith J 4 1980-03-23
6 Mr. Picasso J 42 1939-03-30

which gives the same results as:

select * from teacher 
where month(dob) between 1 and 3 
AND level = "J";

select distinct monthname(dob)
from teacher;

Shows all unique month names that teachers were born in



select * from teacher
order by experience desc, level;

Shows all details of teachers sorted by experience first, then level.

tid Name level experience dob
7 Fr. Lynch L 55 1939-03-31
5 Mr. Kavanagh J 50 1949-11-01
6 Mr. Picasso J 42 1939-03-30
4 Mr. Hawking L 40 1951-02-19
2 Ms. Dubois L 22 1967-09-02
1 Mr. Pasteur L 15 1960-02-02
3 Ms. Smith J 4 1980-03-23


select * from subject 
where name like "__l%" or name like"___l%" 
order by name;

Shows all details of all subjects whose 3rd or 4th letter is “l”, sorted by name.

Name Teacher OnLeavingCert
Biology Mr. Pasteur 1
Colouring Mr. Picasso 0
English Mr. Kavanagh 1
Religion Fr. Lynch 1
Spelling Ms. Smith 0

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... IN ( , , , ) ORDER BY ... ;

select * from teacher 
where experience in (10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60)
order by dob;

Shows the names of all teachers with the mentioned number of years experience, sorted from youngest to oldest.

tid Name level experience dob
7 Fr. Lynch L 55 1939-03-31
5 Mr. Kavanagh J 50 1949-11-01
4 Mr. Hawking L 40 1951-02-19
1 Mr. Pasteur L 15 1960-02-02

select * from car;
registration make model colour mileage engineSize
10-G-2334 Toyota Corolla Green 123389 1.3
10-WH-17931 Toyota Corolla Silver 130389 1.4
11-MO-23431 Toyota Corolla Black 1234123 1.3
12-WH-123 Ford Motor Company Ka Black 125882 1.0
132-MO-19323 Ford Motor Company Galaxy Silver 2343 1.5
171-G-39532 Toyota Corolla Silver 55882 1.3
171-MO-12533 Ford Motor Company Fiesta Black 25882 1.0

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... AND ( ...OR...);

select registration, mileage from car 
where mileage > 130000 AND (colour= "Silver" or colour ="Black");
registration mileage
10-WH-17931 130389
11-MO-23431 1234123

Shows details for all cars with mileage greater than 130000 and colour is silver or black.

 select * from person;
personID name age sex dob isStudent
1 John 24 M 2000-01-01 1
2 Tom 65 M 1958-03-11 0
3 Mary 13 F 2005-04-11 1
4 Alan 13 M 2005-11-21 1
Applying AVERAGE

SELECT ... AVG() FROM ... WHERE ... AND ...;

Apply the average to the rows selected where the conditions are met.


SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... LIKE (' ');

select * from person where name like ('___');
personID name age sex dob isStudent
2 Tom 65 M 1958-03-11 0
5 Pat 30 M 1993-03-17 0
9 Pat 38 F 1988-04-15 0

Shows details for persons with exactly 3 letters in their name.

select distinct(make) from car;
Ford Motor Company

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... LIKE " " ORDER BY ...;

select * from car 
where registration like "%-G-%" 
order by mileage asc;

Shows all cars registered in Galway, sorted by mileage in ascending order

registration make model colour mileage engineSize
171-G-39532 Toyota Corolla Silver 55882 1.3
10-G-2334 Toyota Corolla Green 123389 1.3


The limit clause
select * from person 
where month(dob) not in(1,2,3) 
order by month(dob) 
limit 4;

Shows all people not born in first 3 months of year, sorted by month order. Only show the first few records return

personID name age sex dob isStudent
3 Mary 13 F 2005-04-11 1
9 Pat 38 F 1988-04-15 0
7 Shane 15 M 2003-06-01 1
6 Shane 41 M 1988-07-21 0
describe employees;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
emp_no int(11) NO PRI NULL
birth_date date NO NULL
first_name varchar(14) NO NULL
last_name varchar(16) NO NULL
gender enum(‘M’,‘F’) NO NULL
hire_date date NO NULL
describe salaries;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
emp_no int(11) NO PRI NULL
salary int(11) NO NULL
from_date date NO PRI NULL
to_date date NO NULL

The primary key on the salaries table is made up of two composite keys as there could be multiple instances of the employee number and the from_date but you would only have one instance of each emp_no and from_date combination.

select * from employees
limit 5;
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10001 1953-09-02 Georgi Facello M 1986-06-26
10002 1964-06-02 Bezalel Simmel F 1985-11-21
10003 1959-12-03 Parto Bamford M 1986-08-28
10004 1954-05-01 Chirstian Koblick M 1986-12-01
10005 1955-01-21 Kyoichi Maliniak M 1989-09-12
select emp_no, first_name, upper(last_name) as last_name from employees limit 5;
emp_no first_name last_name
10001 Georgi FACELLO
10002 Bezalel SIMMEL
10003 Parto BAMFORD
10004 Chirstian KOBLICK
10005 Kyoichi MALINIAK

STRING FUNCTIONS: length(), substr(), concat(), format()

select * from employees 
order by length(last_name), last_name, length(first_name), first_name 
limit 10;

This sorts based on the length of last_name, Alphabetical order of last_name, length of first_name, alphabetical order of first name.

The string function char_length() returns the length of a string measured in characters where a multibyte character counts as a single character.

emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10080 1957-12-03 Premal Baek M 1985-11-19
10021 1960-02-20 Ramzi Erde M 1988-02-10
10079 1961-10-05 Kshitij Gils F 1986-03-27
10009 1952-04-19 Sumant Peac F 1985-02-18
10018 1954-06-19 Kazuhide Peha F 1987-04-03

Show all details of the first 10 employees returned from the database and an extra column called Initials that shows the employee’s initials.

concat() and substr()
select *, concat(substr(first_name,1,1), substr(last_name,1,1)) as Initials from employees limit 5;

The concat and substr string functions are used here to display a new column with the initials of employees. An alias is used to name the new column Initials.

emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date Initials
10001 1953-09-02 Georgi Facello M 1986-06-26 GF
10002 1964-06-02 Bezalel Simmel F 1985-11-21 BS
10003 1959-12-03 Parto Bamford M 1986-08-28 PB
10004 1954-05-01 Chirstian Koblick M 1986-12-01 CK
10005 1955-01-21 Kyoichi Maliniak M 1989-09-12 KM

The concat function could be used to create an email address using the first name and last name.

 select concat(first_name, '.',last_name,"@company.com") as email 
 from employees limit 5;

The format function.


select format(max(mileage),0)
from car 
group by make;

Multiple ANDs

Using multiple ANDs here but as there are no ORs being used, brackets are not required for operator precedence .

select * from employees where gender = "F" 
and year(birth_date) between 1950 and 1959 
and hire_date >= "1988-09-1" 
and hire_date <="1991-02-28";
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10006 1953-04-20 Anneke Preusig F 1989-06-02
10007 1957-05-23 Tzvetan Zielinski F 1989-02-10
10011 1953-11-07 Mary Sluis F 1990-01-22
10023 1953-09-29 Bojan Montemayor F 1989-12-17
10041 1959-08-27 Uri Lenart F 1989-11-12

Aggregate GROUP BY functions


AVG(), MAX()

select * from person;
personID name age sex dob isStudent
1 John 24 M 2000-01-01 1
2 Tom 65 M 1958-03-11 0
select round(avg(age)) from person where sex="M";

Count, group by.

SELECT ... , COUNT(*) FROM ... GROUP BY ...;

Does a count based on the group by

select monthname(dob), count(*)from person 
group by monthname(dob);

Shows the number of people born in each month

monthname(dob) count(*)
January 1
March 3
April 2
November 1
July 1
June 1


select emp_no, round(avg(salary),2) as average_salary 
from salaries group by emp_no 
limit 5;
select emp_no, round(max(salary),2) as average_salary 
from salaries 
group by emp_no 
limit 5;
emp_no average_salary
10001 88958
10002 72527
emp_no average_salary
10001 75388.94
10002 68854.50

The WHERE clause

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... AND ... GROUP BY...;

 select emp_no,round(avg(salary),2) from salaries 
 where emp_no in (10001, 10021, 10033, 10087) 
 and salary > 80000 
 group by emp_no;
emp_no round(avg(salary),2)
10001 83745.57
10021 83232.00
10087 99015.25

This shows the average salaries for these 4 employees, but only including salaries > 80,000 in the average salary calculation.

The HAVING clause



10024 90572
10068 101224
10087 99015

This query shows the average salaries for employees but only showing the average salaries which are over 90000.

select monthname(birth_date), count(*) 
from employees
 group by monthname(birth_date);
monthname(birth_date) count(*)
September 13
June 8
December 7
May 10
January 6


Name Description

  • CASE : Case operator
  • IF() : If/else construct
  • IFNULL() : Null if/else construct
  • NULLIF() : Return NULL if expr1 = expr2

The IF clause

select *,IF(salary>50000,"big","small") as salary_type 
from salaries 
order by from_date 
limit 5;
emp_no salary from_date to_date salary_type
10009 60929 1985-02-18 1986-02-18 big
10048 40000 1985-02-24 1986-02-24 small
10098 40000 1985-05-13 1986-05-13 small
10070 55999 1985-10-14 1986-10-14 big

A CASE statement allows for more options than an IF statement which only allows one.

An alias can be used for the names of the column for printing as otherwise the whole case when statement will show as the column name. However the alias does not change the actual table.

SELECT *, IF(MILEAGE>500000,"30%","") Discount 
FROM car;
registration make model colour mileage engineSize Discount
10-G-2334 Toyota Corolla Green 123389 1.3
10-WH-17931 Toyota Corolla Silver 130389 1.4
11-MO-23431 Toyota Corolla Black 1234123 1.3 30%
12-WH-123 Ford Motor Company Ka Black 125882 1.0

Note as is not required when using an alias to rename a column that is returned. It will not actually change the table.


select emp_no as ID, if (gender="M","Mr.","Ms.") as Title, first_name as Name, last_name as Surname, gender 
from employees 
order by emp_no limit 5;
ID Title Name Surname gender
10001 Mr. Georgi Facello M
10002 Ms. Bezalel Simmel F
10003 Mr. Parto Bamford M
10004 Mr. Chirstian Koblick M
10005 Mr. Kyoichi Maliniak M


select emp_no, max(salary), 
    when max(salary) < 40000 then "30%" 
    when max(salary) < 60000 then "40%" 
    when max(salary) < 80000 then "50%" 
    else "60%" 
END as "Tax bracket" 
from salaries 
group by emp_no 
order by max(salary) 
limit 10;
emp_no max(salary) Tax bracket
10015 40000 40%
10048 40000 40%
10022 41348 40%
select *, 
    when engineSize <=1.0 then "Small" 
    when engineSize between 1.1 and 1.3 then "Medium" 
    when engineSize > 1.3 then "Large" 
END as size 
from car;
registration make model colour mileage engineSize size
10-G-2334 Toyota Corolla Green 123389 1.3 Medium
10-WH-17931 Toyota Corolla Silver 130389 1.4 Large
11-MO-23431 Toyota Corolla Black 1234123 1.3 Medium
12-WH-123 Ford Motor Company Ka Black 125882 1.0 Small
select first_name,  birth_date, 
    when month(birth_date)in(1,2,3) then "q1 baby" 
    when month(birth_date)in (4,5,6) then "q2 baby" 
    when month(birth_date) in (7,8,9) then "q3 baby" 
    else "q4 baby" 
end as birthQ 
from employees limit 5;
first_name birth_date birthQ
Georgi 1953-09-02 q3 baby
Bezalel 1964-06-02 q2 baby
Parto 1959-12-03 q4 baby
Chirstian 1954-05-01 q2 baby
Kyoichi 1955-01-21 q1 baby
select name, isStudent,age, 
    when isStudent=1 and age >23 then "mature student" 
    when isStudent=1 and age <=23 then "ordinary student"
    else "Not" 
    end as "student status" 
    from person limit 5;
name isStudent age student status
John 1 24 mature student
Tom 0 65 Not
Mary 1 13 ordinary student
Alan 1 13 ordinary student
Pat 0 30 Not
select *, 
    when age < 20 then "under20" 
    when age < 30 then "under30" 
    when age < 40 then "under40" 
    else "over40" 
    end as "age-cat" 
    from person;

(use the correct order when writing the case when.)

personID name age sex dob isStudent age-cat
2 Mr.Tom 66 M 1958-03-11 0 over40
3 Ms.Mary 14 F 2005-04-11 1 under20
4 Mr.Alan 14 M 2005-11-21 1 under20
5 Mr.Pat 31 M 1993-03-17 0 under40
6 Mr.Shane 42 M 1988-07-21 0 over40
7 Mr.Shane 16 M 2003-06-01 1 under20
8 Ms.Alice 26 F 1999-03-01 1 under30
9 Ms.Pat 32 F 1988-04-15 0 under40
10 Johan 34 M NULL NULL under40
11 Jonh 23 M NULL 1 under30



SELECT *, if(DATEDIFF(to_DATE,from_DATE) <365, "under 1 year","over 1 year") as Time 
emp_no salary from_date to_date Time
10001 60117 1986-06-26 1987-06-26 over 1 year
10001 62102 1987-06-26 1988-06-25 over 1 year
10001 66074 1988-06-25 1989-06-25 over 1 year
10001 66596 1989-06-25 1990-06-25 over 1 year
10001 66961 1990-06-25 1991-06-25 over 1 year

DATE and TIME FORMAT functions

date_format(date, format)

A sample of the specifiers here:

Specifier Description

  • %a : Abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
  • %b : Abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
  • %c : Month, numeric (0..12)
  • %D : Day of the month with English suffix (0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …)
  • %d : Day of the month, numeric (00..31)
  • %H : Hour (00..23)
  • %h: Hour (01..12)
  • %M: Month name (January..December)
  • %m: Month, numeric (00..12)
  • %p: AM or PM
  • %S: Seconds (00..59)
  • %T: Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)
  • %W: Weekday name (Sunday..Saturday)
  • %Y: Year, numeric, four digits
  • %y: Year, numeric (two digits)

The format strings should be in quotes.

select NAME, date_format(dob, "%a, %b %D %Y") FROM PERSON;
NAME date_format(dob, “%a, %b %D %Y”)
John Sat, Jan 1st 2000
Tom Tue, Mar 11th 1958
Mary Mon, Apr 11th 2005
Alan Mon, Nov 21st 2005
select first_name as first, gender as G 
from employees limit 3;
first G
Georgi M
Bezalel F
Parto M


  • When writing functions and procedures, the delimiter must be changed to // before writing a function or procedure. This allows the ; to be used as part of the code and not to signify the end of a statement.

  • Before writing the function or procedure, write it as a query.

  • A function is deterministic if it doesn’t chanhe any data.

select *, round(datediff(hire_date, birth_date)/365,1) as age 
from employees limit 5;

Using a function show all columns from the employees table, and a column entitled “Age” which is the age the employee was when he or she was hired. The age should be rounded to 1 digit after the decimal place.

CREATE FUNCTION getAges(hd date, bd date)
    -> RETURNS varchar(5)
    -> BEGIN
    -> RETURN format(datediff(hd,bd)/365,1);
    -> END
    -> //
delimiter ;
select *, getAges(hire_date, birth_date) as Age_at_hiring
from employees
limit 5;
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date Age_at_hiring
10001 1953-09-02 Georgi Facello M 1986-06-26 32.8
10002 1964-06-02 Bezalel Simmel F 1985-11-21 21.5
10003 1959-12-03 Parto Bamford M 1986-08-28 26.8
10004 1954-05-01 Chirstian Koblick M 1986-12-01 32.6
10005 1955-01-21 Kyoichi Maliniak M 1989-09-12 34.7

This procedure takes two parameters, one for a year and the other a month and returns all employees hired in specified year and month.

delimiter //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE hires(y integer, m integer)
    -> BEGIN
    -> SELECT * FROM employees
    -> WHERE year(hire_date)=y AND month(hire_date)=m;
    -> END
    -> //

This procedure returns all employees hired in the specified year if the month parameter is NULL.

delimiter //
mysql> create procedure hires2(y integer, m integer)
    -> BEGIN
    -> IF m is NULL THEN
    -> else
    -> select * from employees where year(hire_date) = y and month(hire_date)=m;
    -> end if;
    -> end
    -> //
mysql> delimiter ;
call hires2(1995,null);
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10016 1961-05-02 Kazuhito Cappelletti M 1995-01-27
10022 1952-07-08 Shahaf Famili M 1995-08-22
10026 1953-04-03 Yongqiao Berztiss M 1995-03-20
call hires2(1995,3);
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10026 1953-04-03 Yongqiao Berztiss M 1995-03-20
10054 1957-04-04 Mayumi Schueller M 1995-03-13

To check if a parameter is NULL IF M IS NULL THEN To check if a parameter is not NULL IF M IS NOT NULL THEN.

 select * from person;
personID name age sex dob isStudent
1 John 24 M 2000-01-01 1
2 Tom 65 M 1958-03-11 0
3 Mary 13 F 2005-04-11 1
4 Alan 13 M 2005-11-21 1
5 Pat 30 M 1993-03-17 0


describe person;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
personID int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(20) NO NULL
age int(11) YES NULL
sex enum(‘M’,‘F’) YES M
dob date YES NULL
isStudent tinyint(1) YES NULL

This function determines if a person is a student based on age and isStudent status.

delimiter //
create function st(a int(11) iss TINYINT(11))
if iss and a< 23 then
    return "Ordinary";
elseif iss and     a >=23 then 
    return "Mature";
    return "";
end if;

delimiter ;

To call the function, pass in the columns from the persons tables, which takes the values for each field and passes them as the parameters to the function.

select st(16,0);

select *, st(age, isStudent) as "Student Type" from person;


Write a procedure that accepts two parameters. A comparison operator < > = and an Age. If the comparison operator is >, the procedure returns all details of a person older than the age.

passing in a string of one or a varchar with the ‘>’, ‘<. or ‘=’ operator. make age the same data type as the age in the table

Note that the return keyword is not allowed in a procedure. It is allowed in a function. Using select. Can put the if statement in parentheses but not required.

delimiter //
create procedure comp(c varchar(1) , a int(11))
    if (c = "<") then 
        select * from person where age < a;
    elseif (x = ">") then
        select * from person where age > a;
        select * from person where age = a;
    end if;


call comp("<",3);

Use drop procedure <procedure name> to delete a procedure and create it again if a change to the code is required.

drop procedure comp once the procedure is written, change the delimiter back to ;. Then the procedure can be called from memory to be used. call <procedure name>(arguments)


describe doctor_table;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
doctorID int(11) NO PRI NULL
name varchar(50) YES NULL
phone int(11) YES NULL
describe patient_table;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
ppsn varchar(10) NO PRI NULL
first_name varchar(50) YES NULL
surname varchar(50) YES NULL
address varchar(200) YES NULL
doctorID int(11) YES MUL NULL
show create table patient_table
CREATE TABLE `patient_table` (
  `ppsn` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `first_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `surname` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `address` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  `doctorID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`ppsn`),
  KEY `doctorID` (`doctorID`),
  CONSTRAINT `patient_table_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`doctorID`) REFERENCES `doctor_table` (`doctorid`)
show create table doctor_table;
CREATE TABLE `doctor_table` (
  `doctorID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `phone` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`doctorID`)

The doctor id in the patient table is a foreign key referring the doctorid in the doctor table. Therefore any integers we put in as doctor id in the patient table must already exist in the doctor table doctor id column.

select * from doctor_table;
doctorID name phone
100 Dr. Jones 12345
101 Dr. Murphy 88335
102 Dr. Rice 64727
select * from patient_table;
ppsn first_name surname address doctorID
2344234S Mary Burke Galway NULL
7629913X John Smyth Athlone 100
989333F Alan Mulligan Galway 101
9898823W Fred Collins Castlebar 100

String functions.

  • SUBSTR()
select substr(name,5) 
from doctor_table;

Here the substr function selects from position 5 so strips out the title to return just the name.

select substr(name,5) 
from doctor_table;


select pt.*, dt.* from patient_table pt 
inner join doctor_table dt
on pt.doctorID = dt.doctorid; 

This query shows all details of all patients with associated doctors.

ppsn first_name surname address doctorID doctorID name phone
7629913X John Smyth Athlone 100 100 Dr. Jones 12345
9898823W Fred Collins Castlebar 100 100 Dr. Jones 12345
989333F Alan Mulligan Galway 101 101 Dr. Murphy 88335

SELECT ... FROM ... INNER JOIN .. ON ...=... WHERE... ORDER BY...;

SELECT dt.name, dt.phone, pt.ppsn, pt.first_name, pt.surname
FROM doctor_table dt
INNER JOIN patient_table pt
on pt.DoctorID = dt.Doctorid
where dt.name = "Dr. Jones"
order by pt.surname;

This query returns the details of patients treated by a particular doctor.

name phone ppsn first_name surname
Dr. Jones 12345 9898823W Fred Collins
Dr. Jones 12345 7629913X John Smyth


Select distinct() from ... inner join ... on ... = ... ;

select distinct(dt.name)
from doctor_table dt
inner join patient_table pt
on dt.DoctorId = pt.Doctorid;

This query returns the unique names of doctors who are treating patients.



 select pt.ppsn, pt.surname, pt.first_name, dt.name 
 from patient_table pt  
 left join doctor_table dt
  on pt.Doctorid= dt.doctorid;

This query returns null for the doctor name where a patient does not have a doctor. Where the doctorID is NULL, the patient isn’t currently being treated by a doctor

ppsn surname first_name name
2344234S Burke Mary NULL
7629913X Smyth John Dr. Jones
989333F Mulligan Alan Dr. Murphy
9898823W Collins Fred Dr. Jones


  • INNER JOIN only returns rows where the condition is met while LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the first table with a NULL for the field where the condition is NOT met.
  • INNER JOIN excludes rows where the condition is not met.
  • To show all details of all doctors from one table with the details of their patients from the patients_table, use a left join as this will return all rows from the first table with a null value for rows in the second table where the condition is not met.
  • an inner join would omit the rows where the condition is not met
select pt.first_name, pt.surname, dt.name 
from patient_table pt 
left join doctor_table dt 
on pt.doctorid = dt.doctorid;
first_name surname name
Mary Burke NULL
John Smyth Dr. Jones
Alan Mulligan Dr. Murphy
Fred Collins Dr. Jones
select pt.first_name, pt.surname, dt.name 
from patient_table pt 
inner  join doctor_table dt 
on pt.doctorid = dt.doctorid;
first_name surname name
John Smyth Dr. Jones
Fred Collins Dr. Jones
Alan Mulligan Dr. Murphy
select dt.*, pt.surname 
from doctor_table as dt
left join patient_table pt
on dt.DoctorID = pt.DoctorID
order by dt.name, pt.surname;
doctorID name phone surname
100 Dr. Jones 12345 Collins
100 Dr. Jones 12345 Smyth
101 Dr. Murphy 88335 Mulligan
102 Dr. Rice 64727 NULL
select pt.first_name, pt.surname, dt.name from patient_table pt
inner join doctor_table dt 
on pt.doctorid = dt.doctorid 
where pt.first_name ="Alan";
first_name surname name
Alan Mulligan Dr. Murphy


left join to return every row from the patient_table even if no doctor associated.

select pt.ppsn, pt.first_name, pt.surname, dt.name, dt.phone 
from patient_table pt 
left join doctor_table dt 
on pt.doctorid = dt.doctorid;

returns all patients from the patient_table with details of doctor they are attending if any.

ppsn first_name surname name phone
2344234S Mary Burke NULL NULL
7629913X John Smyth Dr. Jones 12345
989333F Alan Mulligan Dr. Murphy 88335
9898823W Fred Collins Dr. Jones 12345


show create table manufacturer;
manufacturer CREATE TABLE `manufacturer` (  
    `manu_code` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
    `manu_name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
    `manu_details` varchar(400) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`manu_code`)
show create table vehicles;
vehicle CREATE TABLE `vehicle` (
  `reg` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `manu_code` varchar(3) NOT NULL,
  `mileage` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `price` decimal(8,2) NOT NULL,
  `colour` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `fuel` enum('petrol','diesel') DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`reg`),
  KEY `vehicle_ibfk_1` (`manu_code`),
  CONSTRAINT `vehicle_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`manu_code`) REFERENCES `manufacturer` (`manu_code`)

Relationships between tables through the foreign key:

The manfacturer table and the vehicles table are related through the manu_code field in the vehicles table which is a foreign key that references the manu_code field in the manufacturer table.

 select * from manufacturer;
manu_code manu_name manu_details
FOR Ford The Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automaker headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. It was founded in 1903
GM General Motors General Motors is an American multinational automaker headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. It was founded in 1908
NIS Nissan Nissan Motor Company Ltd is a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. It was founded in 1934
TOY Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation is a Japanese automotive manufacturer headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. It was founded in 1937
VOL Volkswagen Volkswagen is a German automaker headquartered in Wolfsburg, Germany. It was founded in 1937
select * from vehicle;

reg manu_code mileage price colour fuel
2003-LM-201 TOY 170000 3500.50 Red petrol
2009-RN-12 FOR 98242 2500.00 Red petrol
2010-G-13345 TOY 50000 8599.00 Silver petrol
2011-G-995 FOR 33500 8500.00 Blue petrol
2011-WH-2121 FOR 55998 14000.00 Black diesel
2014-WH-2189 FOR 12553 11000.00 Blue diesel
2016-D-12345 TOY 3456 15000.00 Red petrol



select manu_code, manu_name, concat(substr(manu_details,1,10),"...")
from manufacturer;
manu_code manu_name concat(substr(manu_details,1,10),"…")
FOR Ford The Ford M…
GM General Motors General Mo…
NIS Nissan Nissan Mot…
TOY Toyota Toyota Mot…
VOL Volkswagen Volkswagen…


select length(manu_details) 
from manufacturer;
select avg(length(manu_details)) from manufacturer;
select format(avg(length(manu_details)),0) as "Length" 
from manufacturer;

This shows the average length of the manu_name formatted to 0 decimal places.

select *, if(fuel="petrol","1,45","1.30") as cost 
from vehicle;

This query includes a column called “cost” which has the value 1.45 if the fuel is petrol otherwise has the value 1.30.


The vehicle table has a foreign key manu_code referencing the manu_code field in the manafacturer table.

 **KEY `vehicle_ibfk_1` (`manu_code`),**
  **CONSTRAINT `vehicle_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`manu_code`) REFERENCES `manufacturer` (`manu_code`)**


select m.manu_code, m.manu_name, v.reg
    from manufacturer m
    inner join vehicle v
    on m.manu_code = v.manu_code;

This query only returns rows where the condition is met, so only returns rows from both tables which have matching manufacturer code.

manu_code manu_name reg
FOR Ford 2009-RN-12
FOR Ford 2011-G-995
FOR Ford 2011-WH-2121
FOR Ford 2014-WH-2189
TOY Toyota 2003-LM-201
TOY Toyota 2010-G-13345
TOY Toyota 2016-D-12345


A left join will return all rows from the first table, whereas an inner join will only return rows from both tables where the conditions are met. If the join condition isn’t met then a left join will still return all rows from the first table but with null values for the second table fields.

select m.manu_code, m.manu_name, v.reg
from manufacturer m
left join vehicle v
on m.manu_code = v.manu_code;

This query returns all rows from the first table, with Null values for the fields from the second table where the conditions are not met.

manu_code manu_name reg
FOR Ford 2009-RN-12
FOR Ford 2011-G-995
FOR Ford 2011-WH-2121
FOR Ford 2014-WH-2189
GM General Motors NULL
TOY Toyota 2003-LM-201
TOY Toyota 2010-G-13345
TOY Toyota 2016-D-12345
VOL Volkswagen NULL

10 rows in set (0.01 sec)


SELECT m.manu_code, m.manu_name, v.reg from manufacturer m 
inner join vehicle v 
on m.manu_code = v.manu_code;

This query will return less rows that the same query using a left join as it excludes the rows where the condtions are not met.

manu_code manu_name reg
FOR Ford 2009-RN-12
FOR Ford 2011-G-995
FOR Ford 2011-WH-2121
FOR Ford 2014-WH-2189
TOY Toyota 2003-LM-201
TOY Toyota 2010-G-13345
TOY Toyota 2016-D-12345


The show create table on vehicles shows that the vehicles table has a foreign key referencing the manufacturer table.

KEY `vehicle_ibfk_1` (`manu_code`),
  CONSTRAINT `vehicle_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`manu_code`) REFERENCES `manufacturer` (`manu_code`)

The manufacturer table has no foreign key constraint.

Write the code first for a query

 select v.reg, v.manu_code, m.manu_name, v.mileage, v.price
    -> from vehicle v
    -> inner join manufacturer m
    -> on v.manu_code = m.manu_code
    -> where v.price < 10000;
reg manu_code manu_name mileage price
2003-LM-201 TOY Toyota 170000 3500.50
2009-RN-12 FOR Ford 98242 2500.00
2010-G-13345 TOY Toyota 50000 8599.00
2011-G-995 FOR Ford 33500 8500.00

This query returns the registration, manufacturer code and name, mileage and price for each car with mileage where the codes match in both tables and where the price is less than 10000

PROCEDURE `price_less_than`(p decimal(8,2))
select v.reg, v.manu_code,m.manu_name,v.mileage, v.price
from vehicle v
inner join manufacturer m
on v.manu_code = m.manu_code
where v.price <p
order by v.price;

This procedure returns the specified details for all vehicles where the price is less than a particular price provided as an argument to the procedure.

call price_less_than(10000);
reg manu_code manu_name mileage price
2009-RN-12 FOR Ford 98242 2500.00
2003-LM-201 TOY Toyota 170000 3500.50
2011-G-995 FOR Ford 33500 8500.00
2010-G-13345 TOY Toyota 50000 8599.00

CRUD functions

  • Create/Insert
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete
describe bus
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
reg varchar(15) NO PRI NULL
maxPassengers int(11) YES NULL
fuel enum(‘Diesel’,‘Petrol’,‘Electric’) YES Diesel
SHOW create table bus
  `reg` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `maxPassengers` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `fuel` enum('Diesel','Petrol','Electric') DEFAULT 'Diesel',
  PRIMARY KEY (`reg`)
describe driver;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
licenceNo varchar(20) NO PRI NULL
name varchar(30) YES NULL
busReg varchar(15) YES MUL NULL
show create table driver
CREATE TABLE `driver` (
  `licenceNo` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `busReg` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`licenceNo`),
  KEY `busReg` (`busReg`),
  **CONSTRAINT `driver_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`busReg`) REFERENCES `bus` (`reg`) ON DELETE CASCADE**

describe car;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
registration varchar(15) NO PRI NULL
make varchar(20) YES NULL
model varchar(20) YES NULL
colour varchar(10) YES NULL
mileage int(11) YES NULL
engineSize float(2,1) YES NULL
show create table car;
  `registration` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  `make` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `model` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `colour` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `mileage` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `engineSize` float(2,1) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`registration`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
describe person
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
personID int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
name varchar(20) NO NULL
age int(11) YES NULL
sex enum(‘M’,‘F’) YES M
dob date YES NULL
isStudent tinyint(1) YES NULL
show create table person
CREATE TABLE `person` (
  `personID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sex` enum('M','F') DEFAULT 'M',
  `dob` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `isStudent` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`personID`)


When entering values for all the fields there is no need to specify the fields.

INSERT into ... values ();

INSERT INTO TABLE (..,..,..,) VALUES (.., .. ,..);

INSERT into person values('John',23,'Male', true);

This will result in an error as there are 5 columns and it will not know which values are for which columns. Specify the associated values.

Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1

INSERT- error if no value supplied for a primary key which cannot be null (and it doesn’t auto-increment)
insert into driver(name) values ("Mary");

results in an error: Error code:1364 Field 'LicenceNo doesn’t have a default value.`

The describe driver command shows thay LicenceNo is a primary key and it cannot be NULL.

describe driver; shows that LicenceNo is a primary key and it cannot be NULL therefore

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
licenceNo varchar(20) NO PRI NULL
name varchar(30) YES NULL
age int(11) YES NULL
busReg varchar(15) YES MUL NULL


insert into driver(name, licenceNo) values ("Bob","RN2423");

This adds a new row with for the two columns not supplied with values.

INSERT - Error as foreign key constraint fails - when the foreign key doesn’t exist on the other table
insert into driver(name, licenceNo, busReg) values ("Gillian","W12X45","201-G-123");

Results in an error as the bus reg does not already exist in the bus table.

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (bus.driver, CONSTRAINT driver_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (busReg) REFERENCES bus (reg) ON DELETE CASCADE)

INSERT - Error as duplicate entry for the primary key already used for another row.

Cannot have the same primary key as another row.

insert into bus(reg, maxPassengers, fuel) values("12-G-1323",34, "Diesel");

ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry ‘12-G-1323’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

INSERT - Error Data truncated …
insert into bus values("191-D-45890", 120, "Ethanol");

ERROR 1265 (01000): Data truncated for column ‘fuel’ at row 1

describe bus
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
reg varchar(15) NO PRI NULL
maxPassengers int(11) YES NULL
fuel enum(‘Diesel’,‘Petrol’,‘Electric’) YES Diesel

The Type for the Fuel field is ENUM which is a list of permitted values that are enumerated explicitly at the table creation time. SeeSection 11.3.5 The Enum Type. There are only three possible values for fuel allowed which doesn’t include ethanol. The fuel Field is of Type (enum(“Diesel”,“Petrol”,“Electric”)).

##### UPDATE ...SET ... CASE WHEN ...;

update person
set age = 
    when age is null then 18
    else age +1

UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE ... = ...;

update car 
set make = "Ford Motors" 
where make = "Ford";

select * from car;
registration make model colour mileage engineSize
05-MO-17931 Toyota Highlander Green 253789 1.6
10-G-2334 Toyota Corolla Green 123389 1.3
10-WH-17931 Toyota Corolla Silver 130389 1.4
11-MO-23431 Toyota Corolla Black 1234123 1.3
12-WH-123 Ford Motors Ka Black 125882 1.0
132-G-9923 Ford Motors Ka Silver 325883 1.0
132-MO-19323 Ford Motors Galaxy Silver 2343 1.5
171-G-39532 Toyota Corolla Silver 55882 1.3
171-MO-12533 Ford Motors Fiesta Black 25882 1.0
99-G-300 Toyota Corolla Green 599339 1.3
UPDATE ... SET ...=CONCAT() WHERE ... LIKE ... OR ... LIKE ...

The concat function joins two strings together which we want to do here on a condition.

update driver
set licenceNo = CONCAT("T-", licenceNo)
WHERE licenceNo like  "%F%"
OR licenceNo like "%R%";

This query updates the licenceNo for rows that meet the where condition. The concat function joins two strings together

select * from driver;
licenceNo name busReg
L23423 John 12-G-1323
T-F2233 Alan 191-G-123
T-RN2423 Bob NULL
X98983 Tom 161-D-1323



show create table driver
CREATE TABLE `driver` (
  `licenceNo` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `busReg` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`licenceNo`),
  KEY `busReg` (`busReg`),
  **CONSTRAINT `driver_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`busReg`) REFERENCES `bus` (`reg`) ON DELETE CASCADE**

The foreign key constraint ON DELETE CASCADE means that anytime a row is deleted from one table which has a foreign key referencing another table, the deletion will flow or cascade into another table. In this case the reg in the bus table is being referenced by another table through a foreign key.The bus table itself does not have a foreign key but the driver table has a foreign key called busreg which has a foreign key constraint ON DELETE CASCASE. Therefore any rows deleted from the bus table which are referenced by the same reg in the driver table will be also deleted from the driver table. (busReg). The rows in the driver table with a foreign key busReg linking to the reg field in the bus table will also be deleted.

Note thay MySQL does not tell you that this has happened. It only lets you know that the bus table was affected OK,1 row affected. Because the constraint is set up as on delete cascade the delete flows or cascades from one table to the other table.

delete from bus where reg ="161-D-1323";

If the driver table ’s foreign key busReg which references the reg column in the bus table is set to ON DELETE CASCADE, this means that if a row in the bus table is deleted and the value of the reg is used in the driver table, then this row should also be deleted from the driver table.


ON DELETE RESTRICT means that if a row in the bus table is deleted and the value of the reg column is used in the driver table, that this row should NOT be deleted from the bus table as the driver table is restricting the delete.


ON DELETE SET NULL means that if a row in the bus table is deleted and the value of the reg column is used in the driver table, that the busReg in the driver table which was referencing the reg to be deleted from the driver table should be set to NULL, so now the busReg will no longer be referenced and can then be deleted from the bus table.

**CONSTRAINT `driver_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`busReg`) REFERENCES `bus` (`reg`) ON DELETE SET NULL**

The foreign key from the driver table is pointing in to the bus table. If a row is deleted from the bus table which is referenced in the driver table, the foreign key in the driver table will first be set to ‘NULL’ and then the row can be deleted from the bus table. Unlike on delete cascade, the row referencing the reg will not be deleted from the driver table. The foreign key will just be updated to NULL.


WHERE mileage > 150000 AND (COLOUR = "Green" OR COLOUR ="SILVER");
registration make model colour mileage engineSize
05-MO-17931 Toyota Highlander Green 253789 1.6
132-G-9923 Ford Motors Ka Silver 325883 1.0
99-G-300 Toyota Corolla Green 599339 1.3

Delete cars coloured green or silver whose mileage is greater than 150000; Be careful of operator precedence.


select * from bus;
reg maxPassengers fuel
12-G-1323 34 Petrol
161-D-1323 80 Diesel
162-D-3433 120 Electric
191-G-123 56 Diesel
select * from driver;
licenceNo name age busReg
L23423 John 32 12-G-1323
X98983 Tom 57 161-D-1323
select * from driver
where age=
	select max(age)
    from driver

The result of the inner query gets replaced as the argument in the outer query. In this way the query is written dynamically instead of hard-coding in a value. Therefore the same query can be used even if the results of the inner query has changed.

Sub-query on one table

Can use a sub-query here instead of writing each part of the query separately and then passing the actual values to another query.

select * from driver
where age=
	select max(age)
    from driver
licenceNo name age busReg
X98983 Tom 57 161-D-1323

The result of the inner query gets replaced as the argument in the outer query. This is better than running a query first to get the oldest driver’s age and then writing another query where age = this value. This query shows the driver details for the oldest driver.

Sub-query across more than one table.

using IN, MIN, MAX here.

Show all details of the bus driven by the youngest driver. When using minimum or maximum, can use IN instead of = in case there are more than one row with the minimum or maximum values for that column.

First find the youngest driver, then find the bus reg associated with the youngest driver. Then find all the details of the bus.

Return the results of the inner query to the outer query and use this in the outer query.

First find the age of the youngest driver and use the results of this in an outer query to find the busReg of the youngest driver. Using IN instead of = if there are more than one driver with the same minimum age. Then once the busReg is returned, use this in an outer query again to get all the details of the bus.

select * from bus
where reg =
    (select busReg from driver
    where age in
	    select min(age) from driver

This query finds the age of the youngest driver(s) and returns the results to the next outer query which then finds the busReg associated with the youngest driver(s). The results of this are returned to the outermost query.

reg maxPassengers fuel
12-G-1323 34 Petrol

Sub-query or Inner Join

select licenceNo from driver
	where busReg in (
		select reg from bus
		where fuel = "Diesel")

This query returns the reg from the bus table for diesel cars to the outer query which uses the result of the inner query to find the licenceNo from the driver table. The overall result is the license number of the driver who drives diesel buses.


Sub-query across two tables.

CREATE TABLE `salaries` (
  `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `salary` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `from_date` date NOT NULL,
  `to_date` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`from_date`),
  KEY `emp_no` (`emp_no`),
CONSTRAINT `salaries_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`emp_no`) REFERENCES `employees` (`emp_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE
show create table employees;
CREATE TABLE `employees` (
  `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `birth_date` date NOT NULL,
  `first_name` varchar(14) NOT NULL,
  `last_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  `gender` enum('M','F') NOT NULL,
  `hire_date` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`)
select e.emp_no, first_name, last_name
from employees e
where e.emp_no IN (
    select s.emp_no
    from salaries s
    where s.salary between 99000 and 99999


Instead of using a sub-query here, an inner join could be used as there is a foreign key linking the two tables.

select d.licenceNo 
from driver d
inner join bus b
on d.busReg = b.reg
where b.fuel ="Diesel";

show create table bus;
show create table driver

Can see how the two tables are related using the show create table command. The bus table does not have a foreign key so it is not related to any other table but the driver table has a foreign key - the busReg column referencing the bus column in the bus table.

show create table driver
KEY `busreg` (`busReg`)
CONSTAINT `driver_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`busReg`) REFERENCES `bus`(`reg`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
  • The two tables are related on the busReg key in the driver table being a foreign key referencing the reg column in the bus table.

  • The driver table has a column called busReg which is a foreign key referencing the reg column in the bus table.

  • The Reverse engineer EER diagram will show the connection from the busReg column (under Indexes) with arrow pointing to the reg field in the bus table.


emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10001 1953-09-02 Georgi Facello M 1986-06-26
10002 1964-06-02 Bezalel Simmel F 1985-11-21
10003 1959-12-03 Parto Bamford M 1986-08-28
10004 1954-05-01 Chirstian Koblick M 1986-12-01
10005 1955-01-21 Kyoichi Maliniak M 1989-09-12

This query shows the average birth year is 1957. Instead of hard-coding this value into another query to get the details of the employees born in that year using a sub-query.

floor is used to round down instead of round.

Show the emp_no, first_name and last_name of employees born in the average year.

select emp_no, first_name, last_name
from employees
where year(birth_date)=(
	select floor(avg(year(birth_date)))
	from employees

This query returns details specified of employees born in the average year.

emp_no first_name last_name
10007 Tzvetan Zielinski
10045 Moss Shanbhogue
10054 Mayumi Schueller
10080 Premal Baek
10094 Arumugam Ossenbruggen

Joining multiple tables to get data from two tables that are not directly connected.

In this database there are 3 tables. There are no foreign keys in the dept and employees tables but there are two foreign keys in the salaries table linking to each of these two tables.

  • The emp_no field in salaries is a foreign key referencing the emp_no field in the employees table.
  • The dept_no field in salaries is a foreign key referencing the dept_no field in the dept table.
 select * from dept;
dept_no name
HR103 Human Resources
RD332 Research & Development
S403 Sales
select * from employees;
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10001 1953-09-02 Georgi Facello M 1986-06-26
10002 1964-06-02 Bezalel Simmel F
select * from salaries;
emp_no salary from_date to_date dept_no
10001 60117 1986-06-26 1987-06-26 HR103
10001 62102 1987-06-26 1988-06-25 HR103

describe dept;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
dept_no varchar(10) NO PRI NULL
name varchar(50) NO NULL

describe employees;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
emp_no int(11) NO PRI NULL
birth_date date NO NULL
first_name varchar(14) NO NULL
last_name varchar(16) NO NULL
gender enum(‘M’,‘F’) NO NULL
hire_date date NO NULL

describe salaries;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
emp_no int(11) NO PRI NULL
salary int(11) NO NULL
from_date date NO PRI NULL
to_date date NO NULL
dept_no varchar(10) YES MUL NULL
CREATE TABLE `salaries` (
  `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `salary` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `from_date` date NOT NULL,
  `to_date` date NOT NULL,
  `dept_no` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`from_date`),
  KEY `emp_no` (`emp_no`),
  KEY `dept_no` (`dept_no`),
  CONSTRAINT `salaries_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`emp_no`) REFERENCES `employees` (`emp_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `salaries_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`dept_no`) REFERENCES `dept` (`dept_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE
**CONSTRAINT `salaries_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`emp_no`) REFERENCES `employees` (`emp_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE**

**CONSTRAINT `salaries_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`dept_no`) REFERENCES `dept` (`dept_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE**
select distinct e.emp_no, e.first_name, e.last_name, d.name 
from employees e 
inner join salaries s
on e.emp_no = s.emp_no 
inner join dept d 
on d.dept_no = s.dept_no;

This query joins together 3 tables even though no information is required from one table.

emp_no first_name last_name name
10001 Georgi Facello Human Resources
10002 Bezalel Simmel Human Resources
10003 Parto Bamford Human Resources
10004 Chirstian Koblick Human Resources