

By Angela C

March 3, 2021 in Python Matplotlib pyplots

Reading time: 8 minutes.

Just some notes on using the Matplotlib plotting library based on the documentation, tutorials etc at https://matplotlib.org.

matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. There is a comprehensive website with a documentation, examples, tutorials and more. Matplotlib is highly customisable. It is very useful for performing exploratory data analysis on a dataset. While you can create some interactive plots with Matplotlib, it is mainly used for static plots.

The Matplotlib Usage Guide tutorial covers some basic usage patterns and best practices.

Matplotlib graphs data onto Figures which is the top-level container of all the plot elements. The Figure is at the very top of a hierarchy of objects and contains other elements of the plot including Axes, Labels, Ticks and Legends. Every single element can be customised.

Figure parameters that can be customised include:

  • figsize for the width and height of the figure (in inches)
  • dpi Dots per inch
  • facecolor and edgecolor
  • linewidth of the frame
  • subplotpars for the Subplot parameters
  • tight_layout and constrained_layout for padding between subplots.

Plots are based on figures. A Figure is a whole window or canvas that can hold a single or multiple plots. The Axes is what can be thought of as a plot, the region of the image with the data space. A figure can contain many Axes but a given Axes object can only belong to one Figure. The Axes contain two (or 3 for 3D) Axis objects which take care of the data limits and generating the ticks and ticklabels. Each Axes has a title, x-label and y-label. (There is a difference in matplotlib between the Axes and the usual term axes as the multiple of axis).

The [Axes](https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/introductory/usage.html#axes) class and its member functions are the primary entry point to working with the OO interface.

Multiple plots in a single figure are known as subplots.

Within the figure various elements such as Axes, Lines and Markers can be created. You can also change the aspects such as size and angle of the ticks, position of legends, colour and thickness of lines etc.

  • Axes: plots have X and Y axes with one variable on the x-axis and another on the y-axis.
  • Legends: information on what the symbols in the plot represent
  • Ticks: small lines to point to different regions of the graph or mark different thresholds. Ticks go along the sides and the bottom of the graph.
  • Grids: lines in the background of the plot to make it easier to see where the X and Y values intersect.
  • Lines/Markers: represent the actual data on the plot.

The following image from the Usage Guide tutorial points out the various components of a figure.

Anatomy of a Figure
Anatomy of a Figure

The Pyplot interface.

The Pyplot tutorial is an introduction to the pyplot interface which uses MATLAB-like commands.

The pyplot API is generally less-flexible than the object-oriented API. Most of the function calls you see here can also be called as methods from an Axes object.

matplotlib.pyplot is a collection of functions that make matplotlib work like MATLAB. Each pyplot function makes some change to a figure: e.g., creates a figure, creates a plotting area in a figure, plots some lines in a plotting area, decorates the plot with labels, etc.

Visualisations can be created using a series of presets or by creating the figures and axes to plot the data on yourself.

First import matplotlib.pyplot to import the pyplot module. Once this is imported it is quite easy to call a number of it’s different plotting functions and pass in the dataset to be visualised

  • plt.plot()to create a simple plot. The first set of numbers provided to the function will be used as the x-axis values and the second set as the y-axis values. If only a single series of numbers is provided these will be used as the x-axis values and default values will be used for the y-axis.

  • The colour and style of the symbol to be used can be passed as the third argument

  • plt.plot() constructs the plot with it’s elements.

There are several style commands including: - color such as r for red, b for blue, g for green - -- for dashes, ^ for triangles, s for squares, o for circles, . for dots etc - colour and symbol can be combined gs for green circles, ro for red circles etc

Example: plt plot([1,2,3,4], [3,5,7,9], 'ro)

  • plt.bar() for a bar chart. plt.bar(['A','B','C','D'], [10,15,23,45])
  • plt.barh for a horizontal bar chart
  • can add error bars to a bar chart using the xerr and yerr arguments
  • plt.pie for a pie chart. Can use the explode argument to offset a wedge of the pie from the centre
  • plt.show() displays the plot when the code is run

Figure objects

A figure object is created by default by Matplotlib. However the figure() function allows you more control over how the plot is created.

  • can specify the dimensions of the figure by passing in a list with 4 values between 0 and 1.

    • The four numbers are in the order left, bottom, width, height.
  • The add_subplot() function can also be used to specify the dimensions.


Axes objects sit within the figure and allow you to control how individual subplots are displays on the axes. A figure holds axes; every axes object can store its own plots. An Axes instance contains most of the elements of a Figure such as ticks, lines, text etc.

  • A Figure can have multiple Axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
names = ['A','B','C','D']
values =[5,12,23,4]
ax.bar(names, values)
  • fig.add_axes function returns a new Axes object ax.
    • Can add elements using the ax object.
    • ax.bar() (instead of plt.bar())
  • The axes object ax belongs to the figure object fig so everything added to fig will also be added to ax.
    • fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]) specify the left, bottom, width and height.
    • The numbers refer to the section or fraction of the figure the Axes object belongs to
    • The first 2 numbers 0,0 means to start at left bottom
    • the second two numbers 1,1 means to have the same width and height as the parent figure.
  • fig.delaxes(ax) to delete an axes.


  • create multiple plots within the same figure

  • create a subplot for each plot in the figure

  • add_subplot() function:

    • the first number refers to the number of rows to add to the figure
    • the second number refers to the number of columns
    • third number refers to the number of plots to add
    • add_subplot(111) adds one new subplot
    • add_subplot(221) to add two columns, two rows so four axes. The 1 refers to the first subplot.
  • Can change the Figure size

    • pass a figsize argument to figure() function.
    • figsize argument can also be passed to the subplots() function.
    • figsize is set in inches
  • Specify the title using either set_title() function or passing the title argument to the set() function.

  • Use the suptitle() function to add titles to a Figure object

  • xlabel() and ylabel() functions to label the x and y axes.

  • can also use the set() function on the axes object or ax.set_xlabel() and ax.set_ylabel() to set the labels individually.

  • Change the scale to a non-linear scale:

    • using xscale() and yscale() functions
    • provide the functions with the type of scale such as log scale log.
  • Adjust legend position using legend with the loc such as “upper right”.

  • Add text to a plot using text function to write directly on the axes object.

  • Edit the position and labels of the ticks of the plot using set_xticks or set_yticks

  • then set_xlabels() and set_ylabels() to label the ticks.

  • To customise a single subplot use the sca() method and pass it a list of axes objects and specify which subplot to use, for example: plt.sca(axes[1,1])

  • Change tick frequency. The frequency of ticks is set automatically based on the data but it can be changed on a figure-level or an axis-level.

    • The tick frequency on a Figure level with multiple axes will be uniform and apply to all the subplots. xticks() and yticks() functions with an array of values to start and end with, and a step size.

    • For multiple plots on the same figure change the ticks on the axis-level.

      • use set_xticks() and set_yticks() functions on the axes objects when adding subplots to a Figure. Then change the ticks of the subplots separately.
  • Set Axis Range

    • can change the range of data that is shown on a figure or axes. This can be used to truncate the view to only show the data in a particular range as defined with xlim or ylim which take a tuple for the limits.
    • Can set the axis range using both the PyPlot and the Axes instances
      • plt.xlim([10,30]) using the PyPlot instance
      • ax2.set_xlim([10,30]) to set the limit for one of several axes instances.
      • similarly using plt.ylim or ax2.set_ylim() to se the Y limits.
  • Layouts

    • tight_layout() to remove excess white space between subplots. Ensures the elements fit tightly within the figure and look good.
    • subplots_adjust() to set the parameters between subplots.
  • Colors

    • There are many colours supported by Matplotlib that can be used to change the colour of elements.
    • The base colours can be referenced by a letter such as r for red or g for green.
    • The base colours are r for red, b for black, g green, c cyan, m magenta, y yellow, k black and w white.
    • There are other colours which can be specified by name
    • Hex or RGB or RGBA codes can also be used.