List of open source GitHub Repositories
You can see the projects on my GitHub account at
(I will be renaming some of the repos and updating the descriptions. They are fed in here directly from Github.)
Repository containing files for the final project for the Applied Databases module at GMIT 2020: CRUD operations on a relational database (MySQL) and a non-relational database (MongoDB) as well as a discussion on normalisation. User interface to the databases using Python.
Repo containing files for the final project for the Computational Thinking with Algorithms module at GMIT 2020: Benchmarking sorting algorithms. Reviewing various comparison and non-comparison sorting algorithms, considering concepts such as their time and space complexities, performance and stability. Writing a benchmarking application in Python.
Repository for the final project for the Data Representation and Querying module at GMIT 2020: A Flask server program with REST API, CRUD operations on MySQL database. Links to the Irish Open data portal at
code for Data Science From Scratch book
A minimal example of nbdev using code from Allen Downey's Think Python 2nd Ed
Repository for the final project for the Fundamentals of Data Analysis module at GMIT 2019: Exploratory data analysis and regression of the Tips dataset using Python
Repository for the second project for the Machine Learning and Statistics module at GMIT 2020: A web service that uses machine learning to make predictions for the power output from wind turbines based on their wind speed values.
Repository for the first project for the Machine Learning and Statistics module at GMIT 2020: Various tasks using Python and the Python data analysis libraries.
Repository for the final project for the Multi-Paradigm Programming module at GMIT 2020: Code for a 'shop' in both a procedural and an object-oriented style using C, Python and/or Java and a report comparing the two approaches.
Repository for the first project of the Programming and Scripting module at GNIT 2019: A set of ten programming problems aimed at learning core Python skills including input and output from the command line, handling exceptions, dates and times, writing functions and control flow in Python, string methods, reading and writing files and basic plotting.
Repository for the second project for the Programming and Scripting module at GMIT 2019: Researching the Iris dataset and data analysis using Python
Repository for the first project of the Programming for Data Analysis module at GMIT 2019: Explaining the overall use of Python’s numpy.random packageand in particular the use of its simple random data functions, permutations functions and distributions functions as well as the use of seeds in generating pseudorandom numbers.
Repository for the second project for the Programming for Data Analysis module at GMIT 2019: Simulating a dataset using Python's numpy.random module.
Repository for Responsive Web Design notes and projects following Free Code Camp responsive web design curriculum
Repository for the final project for the Web Applications Development module at GMIT 2020: A personal website using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and the JavaScript library D3 for some basic visualisations.