Welcome to my personal website.
My posts focus mainly on using the Python data analytics stack for exploring and analysing open data. I also look at some other open source technologies.
I recently completed a Higher Diploma in Computing and Data Analytics at GMIT. The main programming technologies on the course were Python, SQL, MongoDb, Linux, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, D3. The course involved many projects using Python’s data analytics stack including pandas
, numpy
, matplotlib
, seaborn
, scikit-learn
, scipy
, flask
etc. Some of these projects are outlined in the projects section of this website.
I am currently playing around with datasets available from the Irish open data portal at https://data.gov.ie and creating interactive data visualisation apps using the Dash framework. Open data is data that anyone can access, use and share. There are over 10,000 datasets available from sources such as Met Eireann, Dublin Bikes, the Central Statistics Office, ESRI etc. I find that I have learned a lot more through working with real datasets instead of using toy datasets. The datasets are available in various formats such as CSV, JSON, JSON-STAT, GEOJSON, HTML etc.
Being Irish, the weather datasets are of particular interest. The datasets from the CSO (The Central Statistics Office) and AIRO (The All-Island Research Observatory) are also of interest as they provide some interesting insights into the Irish economy and society. There are also plenty of geographical datasets in GEO_JSON format.
I am developing this blog site as I go along with the help of the Hugo documentation and of course some googling! It is by no means finished. As I come across something new I will document it in this blog.
Thank you for reading.